Lab Report Online Appointment
135-6672600, 6672663 Phone numbers
Monday-Saturday 9:00AM - 3:00PM

You acknowledge that these terms and conditions, which may be updated from time to time and posted on this website by SMIH are binding on you and that you understand them fully by accessing or using the website.

  1. All appointments are only for consultation purposes and will be considered confirmed only upon successful completion of payment.
  2. The payment made online will be governed by the term and conditions of third-party payment gateway, SMIH shall not be liable for:
    • a. Any transaction does not fructify or may not be completed.
    • b. Any failure on part of the bank or card or third-party site or agency to perform any of its obligations.
    • c. Any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly arising out of the decline or acceptance of authorization for any transaction, for any reason whatsoever.
  3. Patients are required to visit May I Help You Counter outside MIDDLE BLOCK RECEPTION of hospital at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment. Patient or attendant must show the confirmation SMS received on booking appointment online to get OPD card from the counter. In case of late arrival patient will be considered as walk-in patient.
  4. In order to complete registration, bookings, and bill payments, we will need specific information about the patient. You pledge to ensure the accuracy and veracity of all the data you provide. SMIH retains the right to terminate the appointment or transaction if information is found to be dishonest, fraudulent, inaccurate, or misleading.
  5. Consultation of online appointment is only available to the individual whose information is submitted as the patient and cannot be transferred to someone else. SMIH may request an Identity Card to confirm the patient's identity.
  6. SMIH is authorized to modify these terms and conditions at any time without notifying you in advance. By continuing to use the service, you are deemed to have consented to and agreed to the revised terms and conditions.


0135-6672600, 6672663



0135-6672400, 6672436


Blood Bank
